

OK now you know i mean staight bizness when i serve you right away with none other than this bangin, fat ass record from the riot
this is that mean nyc shit bitch, now this record is worth 700$, yeah you heard right, 700!!!
So you know my crates go deep when i start a blog like dat!
you got 2 tracks on here, 2 bangers to say the least, on children of the night entertainement, i remember when my man Tony C hooked me up with a promo copy way back. Unfortunately the 12" didn't sell that much, but the group is still active in the underground.

Click here to check that fat piece of wax!


lordquaz said...

damn! 700 bucks for this records, peeps going crazy, i have found this record for 8€ only, i dont understand the buzz

top-notch-records said...

Hahahaha, sounds like some easy cheesy hot money-doe maker for your trading list !!!
I´ll take a copy for 800 !!!
Hahahahaha !!!

ral278 said...

800 buckz whutta f**K?!? was lookin at this ebay-hype and jus had no clue why peepz go that crazy these dayz! back at home i took that 800$-wax, which i bought for bout 10bucks that time, n put it on the tables (what i didn't do since ages with that one). hmmm, still sounded the same to me even though it'z an 800-dollar-record... i jus don't get...